Thundering hooves pound in the distance….
M’lord, look yonder, tell me what you see?
Is that a white horse comes towards me?
And on its back a rider – a bow, a crown;
His name – Conquest.
M’Lord, look yonder, tell me what you see?
Is that a red horse comes towards me?
And on its back a rider carries a Great Sword;
His name – War.
M’Lord look yonder, tell me what you see?
Is that a Black horse comes towards me?
And on it’s back a rider – a balance in hand;
His name – Famine.
M’lord, look yonder, tell me what you see?
Is that a Pale horse comes towards me?
And on it’s back a rider carrying scythe;
His name – Death.
Adult Member |
Adult Non Member |
Youth (6 – 17) |
Under 6 |
Fully catered |
$60 |
$65 |
$30 |
Free |
Day only catered |
$30 |
$35 |
$15 |
Free |
Full weekend |
$20 |
$25 |
$10 |
Free |
Day only |
$10 |
$10 |
$5 |
Free |
Fully catered: Friday evening to Monday Breakfast
Day only catered: Lunch and Feast on either Saturday OR Sunday
Full weekend: No food supplied, BYO
Day Only: Either Saturday OR Sunday – no food supplied, BYO
Bookings close Wednesday 1st August 2012 – bookings will not be confirmed without payment.
Bookings and enquiries to Katrijn van Delden (Karen Hocking) – or 0419 850067.
Draft Timetable
Friday 3August
Site opens from 12pm for set up.
Soup kitchen from 6.30pm
Bardic Circle/Catch up
Saturday 4 August
8.00am to 9.00am Breakfast (strictly this time only – kitchen will close at 9:00am sharp)
9.30am Armour inspection
10.00am War Scenarios commence (Conquest)
10am A & S activities (TBC)
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm A & S activities (TBC)
1:30pm War Scenarios begin (War)
(and will conclude when people are too tired to fight anymore or it is too dark)
4.00pm Target Archery (IKAC – TBC)
7pm Feast and Bardic Circle afterwards including the ‘Bardic Challenge’ (Court if required)
Sunday 5 August
8.15 to 9:15am Breakfast (strictly this time only – kitchen will close at 9.15am sharp)
9.30am Armour Inspection
10.00am War Scenarios commence (Famine)
10:00am A & S activities commence (TBC)
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm War scenarios commence (Death)
(and will conclude when people are too tired to fight anymore or it is too dark)
7pm Feast commences and Bardic Circle afterwards (Court if required)
Monday 6 August
8:30am to 9:30am – Breakfast
Site pack up and close
Arts & Sciences
Science of Random Art – Four Horseman of the Apocalypse theme (to be done on the Saturday)
A box of assorted items will be given to entrants to create their Random Art. Commences at 10am and closes at 4pm.
A&S Competition:
1. Poem or story incorporating the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse – original work
2. An artistic work of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse – any medium
3. Any item the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse may have carried or worn – any medium
Documentation optional for all entries.
Bardic Circle will be held around the campfire each evening after meals.
Bardic Challenge: This will be held on the Saturday evening, please let Sorle know if you intend to enter (this can be done on the day). It is tradition in Radburne to hold a Bardic Challenge at each event to provide entertainment for the evening. You can sing, dance, tell a story, riddle, poem, juggle or perform any other entertainment. Bonus points if you incorporate the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse into your performance 🙂
War Scenarios
Watch this space – Conquest, War, Famine, Death
War Chest: We will be reinstating the war chest this Radburne War.
Each participant in the wars to bring an item (or promissory note) to donate for the war chest. Please bring something you would be happy to receive yourself – keep it simple and small 🙂
Camping accommodation is provided on site for no charge – portaloos and a bush shower are available. There are also a number of Caravan Parks and Motels in a variety of price ranges in Dubbo, a short ten to fifteen minute drive from the site.
Getting Here
Dubbo is the hub of New South Wales with all major highways coming through Dubbo. You can also get the bus, train or plane! A shuttle service will be available from the train station and airport if required.
QANTAS and REX both fly in and out of Dubbo several times a day. The XPT train travels between Sydney and Dubbo daily.