Radburne War VII
House Radburne will be hosting Radburne War VII from 9th August to 12th August 2013 at Dragon Hill, Dubbo NSW. There will be war all day Saturday and for as long as people wish to fight on Sunday (with full scenarios all Sunday morning).
There will be equestrian activities this year including the opportunity for people to bring their own horses and authorise. Please contact the Steward for more information and to discuss requirements etc.
Bookings and payment required by Friday 2nd August 2013.
For further details and to book, contact Lady Katrijn van Delden (Karen Hocking) on 0419 850067 or email katrijn.van.delden@gmail.com
Cost per person:
$65 per adult member fully catered (Friday evening to Monday breakfast)
$70 per adult non member fully catered (Friday evening to Monday breakfast)
$35 per adult member feast only (either Saturday OR Sunday)
$40 per adult non member feast only (either Saturday OR Sunday)
$25 weekend rate adult member (no meals)
$30 weekend rate adult non member (no meals)
5 and under free (for members – non members = $5)
6 to 17 – $35 fully catered, $20 feast only (either Saturday OR Sunday) and $10 event rate (no meals) for members, add $5 for non members under 18 (due to changes to event membership from 1 September 2012)
Family Rate on application and at Steward’s discretion.
Bookings will not be confirmed without payment – please contact the Steward for payment details.
Draft Timetable
Friday 9August
Site opens from 12pm for set up.
Soup kitchen from 6.30pm
Bardic Circle/Catch up
Saturday 10 August
8.00am to 9.00am Breakfast (strictly this time only – kitchen will close at 9:00am sharp)
9.30am Armour inspection
10.00am War Scenarios commence
10am A & S activities (TBC – if you would like to run a class or activity, please contact the Steward. If we do not have volunteers, this will not run)
10:00am Equestrian Gear Check
10:30am Equestrian Authorisations (if required) and information session/activities
1:00pm Lunch
2:00pm A & S activities (TBC – if you would like to run a class or activity, please contact the Steward. If we do not have volunteers, this will not run)
2:00pm Armour inspection
2.30pm War Scenarios begin
2:30pm Equestrian games commence
4.00pm Target Archery (IKAC) – to be confirmed (require TAM to run)
7pm Feast and Bardic Circle afterwards (Court if required)
8pm Night archery shoot
Sunday 11 August
8.30 to 9:30am Breakfast (strictly this time only – kitchen will close at 9.30am sharp)
9.30am Armour Inspection commences
10.00 am War Scenarios commence
10:00am A & S activities commence (TBC – if you would like to run a class or activity, please contact the Steward. If we do not have volunteers, this will not run)
10:00am Equestrian Games (TBC – dependent on numbers)
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Armour inspection
2:00pm War scenarios commence
6:30pm Feast commences and Bardic Circle afterwards (Court if required)
Monday 12 August
8:30am to 9:30am – Breakfast
Site pack up and close by 12pm