Tourney of the Yellow Rose

Let all princes, knights, masters, mistresses, barons, lords and squires of all the marches of this Kingdom of Lochac, and all others of whatever marches that are in all other Laurel kingdoms; who are not banished or enemies of the King our lord, know that here, in this forum before you all, do I make known my will and intent to cause a tournament of great renown to be held upon the fields of Radburne in the township of Lue, on the 28th day of October and then after to entertain all good gentles whatever their station, to sumptuous fare and good company in his hall.

I do expressly extend invitation to the Crown’s true and proper wardens of Their fife, in the Shire of Dismal Fogs, and bid them take their ease in my Hall as honoured guests at my table.

I do make known this pledge, and do call upon all good gentles, like minded, to present the same; That honour will be done on the day, to all, be they high or low; and that the combatants shall strike with all the skill and might and chivalry that they do possess, that those fortunate to witness such contest shall truly know the worth of the victor and vanquished alike; and shall know truly that Lady Katrijn is a loyal vassal and servant of the Crown.

Long live the King!

Long Live the Queen!

The next event date is to be confirmed.
Combatants must also declare what Heraldry they will use when they book.

In Service
Hofbarones Katrijn van Delden
House Radburne
Shire of Dismal Fogs
Kingdom of Lochac