Radburne Anniversary Feast and Tourney AS XLV
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Let it be known that on St Helene of Carnarvon’s Feast day, being the 22nd day of May, House Radburne will be holding a feast at the hour of six in the evening at Dragon Hill (29L Gidgee Road Dubbo NSW).
Gates open at the hour of twelve and Archery will be held at the hour of two in the afternoon.
Please come dressed in suitable attire in the colours of red, blue, white and yellow to help House Radburne celebrate.
Following, on the Feast Day of St William of Rochester, being the 23rd Day of May, will be held a Combat Archer Tourney and Heavy Tourney to determine the Champion of House Radburne. Tourney to commence at the hour of ten in the morning. A light lunch of soup and bread rolls will be provided.
Cost: Members: 25 gold; non members: 30 gold; children 6 to 14: 15 gold and under 6 free. Families: POA
For further information and to book, please contact Katrijn van Delden (Karen Hocking) on 0419 850067 or email katrijn.van.delden@gmail.com
If you require clothing for the feast there will be a limited amount available. An attempt at pre-1600 clothing is required