Mission Statement | Code of Conduct | Acknowledgement of Country | Disclaimer | Copyright | Privacy | Stance on Nazis, misogynists, trans-phobics and other undesirables | Feedback |
Mission Statement
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international organisation devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century life, encouraging its participants to employ a knowledge of history to enrich their lives and the lives of others through events, demonstrations, workshops and other educational
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for SCA Ltd
Code of Conduct for SCANZ
Acknowledgement of Country
Lochac is a Kingdom spanning multiple countries and many people. In Australia we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this site may contain images of people who are deceased.
This Website is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism in whatever jurisdiction the latter operates as an incorporated body. It does not delineate official SCA policies, and any opinions expressed on this site, unless otherwise indicated, are solely those of the individuals concerned.
As a convenience to site visitors, we provide links from this site to many other sites. Linking to these external websites does not imply formal approval or ownership of those pages or their content.
Our general rules for linking to websites are that such sites have relevance for the SCA and its period of interest (pre-1600). We reserve the right to refuse to link to any site, for any reason. If, as can happen in the shifting sands of the Internet, a site link changes sufficiently to call into question its relevance or appropriateness, please notify the Webwright so suitable action can be taken.
© Copyright 20XX The Society for Creative Anachronism Ltd. The copyright of certain portions of lochac.sca.org are retained by the original contributors.
All material on this website, except where a third party is acknowledged, is copyrighted. If we have inadvertently reproduced material without acknowledgement, please contact the Webwright with the pertinent details so that it might be correctly attributed or removed, as desired.
Other SCA or related websites are welcome to cite this site, link to it or reproduce topical material from it for the purposes of informing their populace (eg such as providing information on up-coming events).
If you wish to reproduce specific content or graphics from this website, please contact the Webwright or, where directly identified, the originator of such material to ensure that appropriate permission is granted.
We have endeavoured to ensure that any personal information on this website is correct and approved for publication on the web at the time of publication. If you are concerned about any information about you published on this website, please contact the Webwright so that it might be corrected or removed, as desired.
Any personal information gathered by forms on this site is treated with due care and in good faith, in accordance with the respective Privacy Policy of the Society for Creative Anachronism Ltd in Australia or the Society for Creative Anachronism, New Zealand, Incorporated.
Equity and Diversity in the SCA (AU/NZ)
The Society for Creative Anachronism (The Society for Creative Anachronism Ltd (Australia) and The Society for Creative Anachronism New Zealand Incorporated) remains committed to ensuring that we reflect the best and most welcoming aspects of the modern world, committing to celebrating equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in the game we play. Researching and re-creating cultures of bygone eras does not require abandoning the values of the present and our Codes of Conduct reflect this.
We welcome people of all ages, sexes, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, and ableness, and reject anyone who will discriminate on any of these bases.
The promotion of social equity and diversity in our activities remains fundamental to our game as a requirement for participation. As such, the SCA Ltd Board and the SCANZ committee continue to actively look at the best strategies and actions we can take to support this commitment. In the coming weeks and months, we will be inviting you to play an active part in developing these strategies and actions that will support our game and its future.
If you have any concerns or questions about our policies or other issues affecting you in Lochac, by all means let us know via the Kingdom Feedback page.